Friday, April 5, 2013

Beyond Our Control


As I sit on a plane returning from a business trip, I think about the plane dropping from the sky.  I'm not afraid to fly.  I am afraid of leaving you behind and not finishing my work as your mom.  I'm really not afraid of much, so I'm taking the time to address my fear of leaving you behind by writing this.  I haven't written in a long time, so I am grateful. 

I continue to be tasked with the challenge of embracing uncertainty.  This undertaking has been a gift and I want to share it with you and explore of how much joy can come from accepting your journey as uncertain.  There will always be more questions than answers.  Try to resist the urge to come to conclusions too soon or to tell yourself that achievement of 'X' is what it will take to make you happy.  How can you know if you've never experienced 'X'? What happens after you get to 'X'?  Nothing bad will ever happen again because you got there?  Also, resist the urge to see adversity or failure as defeat.  It's only over when you stop trying.

If you can move through life with curiosity and openness, you do not have to know all of the answers or end at a predetermined station in life to gain fulfillment and wisdom.  Wisdom is found by continually reaching out to find truth and spiritual peace as long as you draw breath.  Its being aware and grateful of each positive interaction and connection in your life.  It is not stagnant, it is evolution...and it can be so beautiful.

I often get jittery when traveling to a new place.  My nervousness stems from not knowing what I am supposed to do or which route I am supposed to take to get there.  I was getting impatient waiting for a shuttle from my hotel to the airport earlier today.  I took a moment to quiet my mind and looked around at the beautiful landscaping.  I became grateful for the soft breeze and sunlight that warmed my skin.   I pulled the air into my lungs and I felt calmed by it. I became aware that I was safe and my anxious state faded away.  If I needed to call a cab to get to the airport on time, I would call one.  If I needed help finding the right terminal, I would ask.

 I was focusing on how I wouldn't be successful at finding my way home instead of trusting that I would.  As I accepted my circumstance it became clear that there were many ways to find my way if my initial path would not lead me there. There will often be circumstances that can feel out of your control.  Accepting these as cathartic opportunities can make finding equilibrium and peace shorter journey. 

Some people think pacifism or 'going with the flow' is a non-active or weak way of living.  Quite the contrary, to accept an impasse as immovable doesn't mean defeat, it's a chance to discover a new path with the knowledge that it is the path you were intended to take all along.  Your spirit is much less damaged by moving with your circumstances and being grateful for challenges than it is by pushing against what is happening because your circumstances don't seem fair or deserved.  You must keep going.

A challenge to this is failure to acknowledge yourself as divine.  You are meant to love and be loved.  Loving yourself and treating yourself as a dear friend is crucial in finding your way.  Be still when negative feelings or self perceptions arise, do not feed it.  Instead, listen quietly and know as any dear friend would tell you that a flaw is only a flaw if it is perceived as one.  Love and forgive yourself as the very first step in embracing the unknown that is your life!  Perceive yourself as a beloved companion and don't give up on that relationship as long as you live no matter how challenging.  It is how you are meant to be.  

I can't protect you from the world as I watch you grow and interact out there.  I can only hope that the small lessons along the way will teach you how powerful and brilliant your spirit is while still embracing your vulnerability to external circumstances.  I've got my eyes on you, son.  I am with you all the way.  I will lend a hand, a shoulder or a screwdriver whenever you need a little help up.  I don't think either one of us will stop learning or growing anytime soon...  

All my love,

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